Human or Not

An online game inspired by the Turing test, that measures the capability of AI chatbots to mimic humans in dialog, and of humans to tell bots from other humans. Over the course of a month, the game was played by over 1.5 million users who engaged in anonymous...

ImageNet challenge

ImageNet, created by Fei-Fei Li and her team in 2009, represents a transformative milestone in the field of computer vision and machine learning. This extensive dataset, containing over 14 million labeled images across 20,000 categories, enabled the research community...

Dartmouth Workshop on AI

The Dartmouth Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, held in the summer of 1956 at Dartmouth College, is widely regarded as the founding event of artificial intelligence as a field of study. Organized by John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, and Claude...

Deep Blue Defeats Garry Kasparov

Chess was long considered a domain requiring human intelligence, strategy, and intuition, where only humans could excel. This perception was dramatically challenged when IBM's Deep Blue, a highly specialized chess-playing machine, defeated Garry Kasparov, the...