Groping and Experiment

Alexander Bain's concept of learning by “groping and experiment” is a pivotal aspect of his work in psychology and philosophy, particularly in his approach to understanding how individuals acquire knowledge and develop skills. Bain, a...


The essence of trial-and-error learning, encapsulated in Edward Thorndike's “Law of Effect,” is a foundational concept in behavioral psychology. Thorndike, an American psychologist, introduced this principle in the early 20th century based on his...

Conditioned Reflexes

The term “reinforcement” first appeared in an English translation of the work of Ivan Pavlov on conditioned reflexes. This introduction of the term was significant because it helped bridge Pavlov's pioneering research in Russia with the growing field...

First Ideas of Trial-and-Error Learning

Alexander Bain’s concept of learning by “groping and experiment” is a pivotal aspect of his work in psychology and philosophy, particularly in his approach to understanding how individuals acquire knowledge and develop skills. Bain, a 19th-century...

Learning from delayed rewards

C. Watkins' 1989 Ph.D. thesis, “Learning from Delayed Rewards,” completed at the University of Cambridge, introduces a fundamental advancement in the field of reinforcement learning through the development of the Q-learning algorithm. This work...